We watched them feed the goats next door.
And climb on the rock in their front yard.
We attended a Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony, where Sami bridged from Daisy Scout to Brownie Scout.
After receiving a flower, she walked across the bridge to this new level of scouting.
Saturday we drove to the Atlantic Ocean, first testing the water at Hampton Beach (brrrr).
Then on to Odiorne Point State Park, where one beach was very rocky--not good for getting to the water.
But another was much better, with gravel and sand that were easy to walk on.
The girls waded out, inching a little further each time.
They loved sitting in the water and letting the waves hit them. (Double click to see the movie.)

Of course, there was a stop on the playground.
John has been getting his kitty fix with their cat, Lady.
Sunday we went for a walk around a nearby pond. For a while, John, Rachal and Sami ran. Perhaps soon they can join us on our 3-mile jogs.
This is a the result of John taking a picture of Nana taking a picture of Rachal taking a picture.
The pond was mirror smooth, making for great reflections.
We ended the outing with lunch at Burger King. The desserts the girls were eating looked absolutely lucious!
Can you ask for better memories?
Glad to hear Doug is recovering, but I bet it's too slowly for him. The girls are precious and your pictures are sweet.