Before we retired, my creative endeavors were limited to sewing. And is that really creative when I follow patterns? The same is true for my cooking. I always follow a recipe.
John had made a number of leaded glass windows for our home and for others.
Then, in 2003 we retired. Six years later, in 2006, we first spent an extended period of time in Arizona. Three winters we volunteered for several months at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument in Coolidge. We also discovered +55 Resorts. Since then, two of those resorts, Valle del Oro in Mesa and Superstition Views at Canyon Vistas in Gold Canyon, have been our winter homes.
I have tried several crafts, taking classes in pottery and wood turning and other wood projects, as well as learning to make beaded jewelry.
John also began making various items out of wood and he carves when we are traveling and at our apartment in Colorado. He makes small wooden boxes, using the scroll saw. He also uses the scroll saw to make plaques with sayings on them, as well as scenes. He turns pens. And he makes intarsia pieces.
Over the years, I have posted blogs on many of these projects we have completed.
All of this explains why we make it a point each February to attend the Mesa Woodcarvers show. It is inspiring to see all the beautiful items wood carvers make.
Enjoy all these skilled creations.
Isn't this mountain bluebird good? It looks like it might fly off at any minute.
This building--maybe a tea house--received one of the top awards. It can be stored in the box it is sitting on.
Look at this scene. I picture a mother in the World War I era, respoding to a phone call that someone had been killed.
This relief carving show numerous houses in and around a tree.

I had to really examine this piece--those guns really are wooden carvings.
This tree house carving is very detailed.
Compare it to this rainbow trout--it really is as smooth as it looks.
A beautiful intarsia piece of steer roping.
Look at the texture of this bear's coat.
This bear cub is so cute. And the relief carving of cowboy boots is impressive.
I like this relief carving of geese near the barn.
I imagine this tree is carved out of one piece of wood. Think how much had to be carved away to allow the branch layers to look this way.
I'm not a carver, but making such a detailed face in a relatively thin stick of wood is not easy.
Not all carving is done in wood. These bears are carved in stone.
Maybe this carving will help young children learn how to tie their shoes.