On Tuesday, John led a tram tour for a group of third graders from a nearby school. Everyone, including John, had a great time. The kids were interested, enthusiastic and well behaved. But, what do you think they were looking at here?
Mistletoe! This parasitic plant grows mainly on the Honey Mesquite and Sugar Hackberry trees here in the Rio Grande Valley. Did you know that the white berries are poisonous to humans and household pets? This is one of the plants we talk about on our tram tours.
This is what I was looking at Thursday afternoon. This Altimira Oriole had a rather precarious perch to eat the orange in the feeding station at the refuge.
Today is the first of four days off this week. We spent it driving to Mission for my annual mammogram--yuck. But they have all been clear so far. Hopefully, this one will be, too. The rest of the day we spent running errands. We stopped at a New York Deli for a very good lunch.
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