Today, I attended the resort Hi Tea, a chance to get acquainted or reacquainted with other women in the resort. The ballroom was very nicely decorated.
Four of the women who live very near our site also attended. This is Jane and Joanne.
And Barbara and Isabel.
Each woman was asked to bring a plate of goodies. We had more desserts than lunch mainstays, but everything was so good. Just look at the full plates on our table.
We had a good time visiting. And they we had an incredible male vocalist who sang for at least an hour and a half. Brian Roman sang the songs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Paul Anka, Bobby Darren and Elvis Presley. He has a wonderful voice, so powerful. It was a real treat. We weren't surprised that he had been inspired by hearing Elvis as a child. He moved, wiggled and danced like the king of rock and roll while singing like a 40s crooner.
What did you wear? And did you keep your pinky up while holding your teacup?