There were lots of issues with bears at Lathrop State Park, where we spent the summer. Maybe the park should have this sign out front.
There was a large forest fire on Raton Pass during the summer. We saw the evidence of that as we drove into New Mexico.
We saw numerous herds of Pronghorn (antelope).
We always enjoy seeing this ranch and barn as we drive I-25.
Isn't this flock of birds amazing?
We enjoy watching the changing landscape and the interesting geology in New Mexico.
On the negative side, there does not seem to be any limits on billboards along the interstate. The Flying C Ranch on I-40, was exceptionally obnoxious. Click on this collage to see some of their signs. In the upper left corner you can see a whole row of them.

When we reached the Flying C, it didn't look like all that advertising did much good.
The Flying C wasn't responsible for all the signs. Clines Corners, numerous casinos and other businesses also had large signs. Lady Bird Johnson, where are you?
The New Mexico skies were filled with impressive clouds.
Sometimes, we encountered rain, as well.
Just one of many very attractive overpasses along the Interstate.
I've never seen a car this old on a auto transport truck.
The small town of Laguna along I-40.
Roadside flowers--in October!
I agree with you on the billboards. Have you been on I95 along the NC/SC border? The number of billboards for "South of the Border" is ridiculous! We've been through there many times, and I'm still not sure what "South of the Border" is! LOL