Monday we took part in a Denver tradition dating back over 100 years--the National Western Stock Show. Ranchers and farmers--both commerical and youth in 4H and FFA--from all over the country take part in the exhibition of the best cattle, pigs, sheep, rabbits and fowl in the country. Cowboys from around the country also compete in the rodeo--including regular competition, several days of a Mexican Rodeo and the Martin Luther King rodeo for Black cowboys on MLK Day.
On our way in, our grandchildren, Kylie, 9, and John, 3, had a staring contest with a Bramha bull. I think John was afraid the bull might eat his hat--or knock it off.
Here's our whole group (I'm missing. Someone had to take the picture.) John, Liz, Kylie, John and Eric.
John wanted to see some cows, so we checked out the cattle judging arena. Kylie used the camera she received for Christmas to take some pictures.
John really studied the cattle.
It looks like the pigs like to cuddle a little as they nap in the pig barn. Aren't they sweet?
As the rodeo begins there is a lot a very loud music and a laser light show. I really enjoy the lights as I cover my ears to muffle the sound.
What would a rodeo be without some cotton candy? Nana likes it almost as much as John, but she was careful not to eat too much.
I couldn't take photos of the rodeo events, like bronc riding, calf roping or bull riding, but I could get some of the entertainment events, like this stage coach with a six-horse team.

We also saw monkeys riding dogs, herding sheep. It was quite a sight.
Family time is what we value most about our time here in Colorado. But after a fun afternoon with our son and his family, we were soon back hard at work sorting, storing, selling, getting rid of and packing everything we own so we can go on the road full time in another week.
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