This is our first time in New England. It is so beautiful. In many ways the landscape looks like Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which isn’t surprising, since they are all part of the same land mass. But Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont have more mountains and more granite cliffs. And the many broadleaf trees are beginning to turn magnificent shades of red, orange and yellow. The colors are just small patches here and there, but they are dramatic.
Our Cat Ferry from Yarmouth arrived on Mount Desert Island, Maine, about 7:30 pm. Our RV park was about three miles away. Still, after going though customs and signing in, we were setting up in the dark. It’s not easy to see the bubbles in the levels to check how we are doing. But everything worked out fine. That isn’t our favorite way to get settled, however. Maybe we will never have to do it again. We are usually in place no later that 2 PM.
Mount Desert Island is where Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park are located. The park is beautiful, wonderful. We were so impressed after just a few hours here, we applied to be park volunteers next fall. We thought we were tired of sightseeing, but the park has so much to offer, we couldn’t wait to explore it. We drove the loop road,

We made a one-day visit to Freeport, Maine, home of LL Bean. Their store there is truly amazing—open 24 hours a day, with a mammoth camping and clothing store, a separate building for hunting and fishing, another for biking and boats, plus an outlet store. The camping store has the biggest selection of items we have every seen. The town also houses numerous other outlet stores.
It was on to New Hampshire, where we spent four days in the White Mountains. They may not be the Rockies, but they are beautiful. The White Mountains, part of the Appalachians, are much older mountains than the Rockies—more rounded from centuries of weathering. These are the first true mountain streams we have

We hiked the trail at the Franconia Notch Flume—a narrow gorge with a rushing stream. Beautiful. The trail is wooden boardwalk to make it safe to walk along the steep walls of moss-covered rock. We had the area fairly much to ourselves on a cool, sunny day.

Another great day trip was riding the Mount Washington Cog Railroad. Mount Washington is 6288 ft high, highest on the east coast. Since 1859 the cog train has been climbing straight up the side of the mountain. It goes up an average

At the mountain top you can see parts of Maine, Canada, New Hampshire and Vermont, sometimes getting a glimpse of the ocean about 200 miles away. Often, however, the mountain top is shrouded in cloud. Mt. Washington, on yearly average, experiences days of hurricane force wind two out of every three

From New Hampshire, we traveled south along the eastern side of Vermont, then across the southern part of the state on Vermont 7. What a pretty state, heavily wooded and very few people driving on the roads--the state has fewer people than all others except Wyoming. Most of the people we met were very friendly: clerks and cashiers in the stores and the seasonal wokers at Molly Stark State Park.

Each day we spent in New England, a few more leaves turned red, orange or yellow. We watched them drift quietly to the ground. It really looks like fall and it is beautiful.

We definitely want to return to this part of the country, hopefully spending time there in late September and early October when we can really see the fall colors.
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