Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Foggy Morning

Monday morning it was foggy as we did our 3-mile run at the Santa Ana Refuge. Dew clung to everything. We especially enjoyed these spider webs, two among many along the Wildlife Drive.

I don't care for spiders, but their webs are sure part of the beauty of God's creation.

The Chachalacas were sure noisy along both sides of the road. We didn't see any till we were almost back to our truck, but there were really loud as the talked to their friends along the way. This bird is large and brown and lives from the Rio Grande Valley south into Costa Rica.

Finally, we spotted this group of 7 in a tree. It isn't a very good photo.

Look here for some better photos of these birds.


  1. Great shot of the spider webs , must be a KING SIZE SPIDER...
    I have taken some spider web shots with water drops on them ,it sure looked special.

  2. We love watching and listening to the very vocal chachalacas. For being so big they try to get on feeders and act like little birds. Funny.
    Great spider web pics!

  3. You are right spider webs are wonderful creations. I wonder if they were the inspiration for crocheted doilies, like my grandmother used to make?
