Tuesday, June 06, 2017


Traveling across the country, we seldom really know what we will get into when we choose an RV park in a new location.  We use RVParkReviews.com and Trailer Life to help us choose, but we still wonder what we will be getting into.  The last couple of campgrounds before this one were OK but not good or great.  At one park, the site wasn't level, the wifi non-existent and the office area a real pig sty.  The  next park family destination with children everywhere and lots of seasonal campers with golf carts who drove up and down the dusty road in front of our site all afternoon and evening.

So yesterday when we checked into the Sauder Village Campground in Archbold, Ohio, we were delighted to find large, grassy sites, good hookups, peace and quiet and a living history farm on the grounds. What a serendipity!

This is the candy counter in the Country Store.  We were glad we didn't have our grandchildren along.  We would have had to buy candy--and I, at least, would have helped them eat it.

The garden has a creative trellis in the vegetable garden.

This is a very old building.  I imagine it was moved to the living history village from somewhere else.  Click on the photo to enlarge it and see how old it is.

The nearby fields are used to grow corn and the birds who built this nest used dried corn husks in their construction.

We checked in to the campground in the lobby of the Sauder Heritage Inn.  This beautiful light fixture hangs from the high ceiling.

Everyone, it seems, has a cell phone today.  However, there are Amish and Mennonite settlements nearby.  Perhaps those folks don't use cell phones.  We used to see phones like this in campgrounds when we first started RVing.  Instructions say use for local calls or use your calling card.

When we drove into Archbold to mail some letters and get fuel for the truck, we walked around the pretty town. I especially like this attractive, well-painted house.

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