The museum restores and displays lots of old railroad cars, like these.
There are both steam and diesel engines.
In addition to trains, there was a petting zoo that the kids enjoyed.
Here Kylie and John are trying to figure out how to make this hand cart or speeder go.
They also pretended to ride this Galloping Goose. What, you don't know what that is? Check this out. By the way, we also know where the honky tonk is.
Engine 40 is another of the cars on display at the museum.
Papa helped John, age 5, try to move the turntable that enables moving engines into different bays of the round house.
Kylie, at 11, tried it all by herself. The turntable works so smoothly, one person really can make it rotate.
Before we boarded the Thomas the Tank train, John had his picture taken with Sir Topham Hatt, the head of the railway where Thomas and other friendly engines operate.

Finally, it was time to ride the train. One of the volunteers took a picture of our whole party before the train started moving.
This outing was our last for this visit to the Denver area. We try to cram as much family time in as possible during our short times here. Not seeing family more often is the only downside of being on the road full-time.
We did get to say a final goodbye yesterday when Liz made some hot turkey sandwiches and they brought lunch to out campsite. We had fun and the food was excellent. We were sad to see them drive off.
From one train buff to a another so great to see you bringing the Grandsons into the fold, they will treasure their train times just like my Grandson does, My Grandfather started it and I am passing it on to the third generation. Have fun and continue your quest for trains, they are what made this country great. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.