We missed the Wahatoya trail head and the road led us through a group of really neat mountain cabins. Obviously, a number of families have been coming to the area for many years and they have invested lots of sweat equity in the small log cabins with field stone fireplaces.
We did find a trail along a rushing Colorado mountain creek, through dense forest.
There were numerous fallen logs across the trail. That meant we had a lot of scrambling over the top of the logs or ducking underneath, depending on the circumstance.
We really enjoyed both the sight and sound of the creek. The eastern rivers we saw during our travels earlier this year were much quieter.
The trail led to a peaceful meadow.
Then we saw a grove of large aspen trees.
I'll bet the deer, and black bears, enjoy these bright red berries.
This area has received a lot of rain recently and, as a result, I spotted these delicate mushrooms.
We had to cross the stream twice. John went first, then helped first me, then Nan, get across. Both times, we ladies knocked him over as we landed. I got a picture as Nan helped him back to his feet.
The second crossing required that we walk across this log bridge--not one of my favorite things. But we all made it OK.
Isn't this bug, or moth or whatever it is, interesting? We saw several of them feasting on the center of these flowers.
When we returned from the hike, it was time for the staff picnic here at the state park. We had lots of good food to eat.
That included brats and hamburgers, cooked by John, the park manager, and Dave.
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