I began blogging in 2006 and soon wished there was a way to print out the blogs in chronological order. But blogger doesn't accommodate that. Then I learned about Blog2Print, a service that takes a blog, from blogger and other services, and prints it in book form. I was delighted.
Usually, I wait till the end of the year, but our trip through Canada and Alaska is special and needs its own scrapbook (blog book). So I ordered a book of just the blogs on the trip. At the end of the year I will have another book made of the time before and after that trip.
Today the Alaska book arrived in the mail. What a treat to begin looking over those wonderful adventures. Here is what we received. I could select the photos for the front and back covers.
Inside, all the blogs and all the photos are included. These two pages are from two days in Fairbanks.
This book is lighter and more compact than a scrapbook would be. And we can enjoy the photos and stories for years to come.
Cool. Did I tell you I followed your advice and got a book from our European trip? We love it!