As the rodeo begins there is a lot a very loud music and a laser light show. I really enjoy the lights as I cover my ears to muffle the sound.
As the rodeo begins there is a lot a very loud music and a laser light show. I really enjoy the lights as I cover my ears to muffle the sound.
We've relived lots of memories over the past couple of weeks as we have sorted and packed and thrown out things so we can go on the road full time.
I reread some of my mother's letters written while I was in college. She talked about how she and Daddy quoted poetry to each other as they washed dishes. When she was writing to me about my upcoming marriage to John, she talked about the depth and importance of her relationship with my dad.
I found something I had written two days after our second son was born and remembered what a tremendous event that was for John and me to share.
We have met two of the nicest people as we worked at selling some of our antiques. We walked into an antique co-op in
John fought tears as he dismantled his HO train layout. He was thinking of all the time he has spent playing with the train with our grandchildren. And how they play with the train and remember him when they come with their parents to check on our empty house. Now it will be rented out. We hope the train set can make it to heir house, but it will be different. The more we are gone, the more we miss out on knowing our grandchildren. That is the only real downside we have found to traveling the country in our RV.
The ugly part of all this is the total mess in the house, the growing emptiness and the huge piles of trash. All of this brings us closer to being on the road. But it certainly has its ups and downs. And it is a lot of work.
Since 2003 we have been traveling in our 5th-wheel trailer for five or more months a year. This fall, as we were returning to Colorado, we decided we would put our furniture and other stuff in storage, rent our house, and go on the road full-time for a couple of years. For the past few years we have felt it wasn't good stewardship of our largest asset to pay for it all year and only use it a few months. The current state of the stock market makes it an even better idea to use that asset to bring in income.
We returned to the house on November 4 and since then, except for the time we spent decorating for Christmas and celebrating the Christmas season, we have been packing boxes, sorting through files and trinkets and selling furniture and the other "stuff" we don't need. We are keeping family dining room and bedroom sets and our living room furniture. But we are trying to get rid of a lot of the rest.
We knew we had a lot of work ahead of us. But I guess I didn't realize how much time it would take. We have to work on the project every day. We will have a moving sale in about a week and a half. Our basement floor is covered with all sorts of things—mainly small things—we don't need any more and haven't used for years. We had a lot of clothes we hadn't worn since we retired. After sorting through them, we gave about 15 bags of clothing, three upholstered chairs, several lamps and probably 20 coffee cups to the Association of Retarded Citizens (ARC) Thrift Shop.
We have sold a futon, two printers and a scanner on Craigslist. We have sold furniture and silverware to antique dealers and have another antique dealer coming by Sunday to look at some old oak furniture we would like to sell. We hope to consign some other things. Then there is our 1993 Buick sedan we hope to sell.
Since 1975, when we moved from
Most of this has not been too hard for me. For the past two years I have looked at all our "stuff" as an albatross, tying us down and demanding care and concern. Sometimes, I find it difficult—even impossible—to get rid of some things. Our son and his family are probably getting more than they wanted from our house. But on the whole, except that it is a lot of work, it hasn't been too hard.
It has been more difficult for John. He has always been a collector. If he found something he liked, he wanted two, just to be safe. He didn't want to throw anything away. He might need it some day. The last few years have made it more apparent to him he doesn't need it. But it was still hard to start giving things away or selling them. But the more he does that, the more he reports feeling liberated. Tonight he said, "Why should I be controlled by all this stuff?"
We hope to have movers put our furniture in storage and have the carpets cleaned before February 1, so renters can move in—if we find a renter by then. But since our son is handling the rental of the house, we want to be on our way to
Don't let anyone tell you it easy to become a full-time RVer. Good, exciting, yes. Not easy.